I was overseas with my mother from the 2nd of March 2020, to the 18th of March 2020. A lot happened with coronavirus in Australia during this time, and when we returned, we were legally required to enter self-isolation. This is my brief diary to document my experiences. (For other posts see: Prelude. Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part five. Part six. Part seven. Part eight. Part nine. Part ten. Part eleven. Part twelve.)
My Morning
My second to last day!
I got up and watered those grass seeds. There is green. It’s working!
Yesterday a friend said I really should be tested for Covid-19, seeing as I’ve had a sore throat for a week. So I rang back the medical centre I spoke to on Day 10. I gave up after 5 minutes on hold the first time. When I rang back I then got a consult for 2:30pm.
I kept doing my edits for ‘When Darkness Speaks’. I did two 15 minute sprints (resulting in 717 words and then 733 words respectively). I am 22% of the way through editing this novel, which is a pretty good number and motivates me to keep going.
In my enthusiasm for this, I edited my books page to include ‘When Darkness Speaks’.
We did an epic yard clean up. My husband drove the car while I walked the perimeter of our seven acre property. We picked up old fence posts, pieces of old fence posts, big logs, burnt out logs, rubble, rocks, an old water trough, a sheet of tin, and a weird mesh cage. I feel so much better! All that ‘stuff’ (which was in the paddock when we moved in) has been a weight on my mind for so long and now it’s in a trailer ready to go to the dump!

I was filthy, hot, and exhausted when I got back. I had a shower then waited for my phone call GP consult. When she rang, she told me to go get the Covid-19 test. I went.
I got to drive my car! It started (the first hurdle). A neighbour saw me and waved – I hope he doesn’t think I am allowed to talk to him now. A few kilometres from our house, there was cows in a paddock that normally had sheep, and I was amazed about how much had changed in Hamley Bridge.
I was worried about going to the clinic. I had called ahead, because I was concerned about walking around in all my contagious glory trying to find this particular centre. But it was easy, well sign posted, and I found a park. There were yellow lines on the ground to make sure you didn’t get too close to anyone else. (It’s this ‘social distancing’ thing I’ve been hearing about but haven’t truly got a chance to practice.)
I got a face mask. I feel claustrophobic breathing my own breath but I managed to power on through. The mask covered my chins, so probably improved my appearance in all.
The staff there were lovely. I can understand how, online, I’ve seen people give cheering choruses to health care workers changing shift. But then again, maybe I was just so deprived of human company that any conversation was going to win me over. Come to think about it, the main topic was toilet paper…
So, previously I was worried about the nose test. (Though a bigger barrier to me taking the test what the energy.) I had heard the nose swab described, on a podcast, “Like someone is poking your brain.” This made me unreasonably fearful. It was not that bad. It’s like when you pick your nose and you go too hard. It was almost like a sneeze without the tingle. It was fine.
I came home, marvelled at driving some more, concluded that those cows in the paddock were quite cute, chose the summer track to come back on (a choice!).
Back at home I had a phone conversation with my boss. It’s possible I’ll be working from home on Monday, so that’d be cool… But also means I’ll be home for even longer! I hope my little laptop can hold up against the new software demands.
I had a phone conversation with my parents, then settled in to watch the crap that is Married at First Sight.
Went to bed pretty sure this wouldn’t be my second to last day.