On 20th July 2021, the South Australian premier announced a 6 day lockdown due to the Modbury cluster of Covid-19. I have previously blogged on the Parafield cluster lockdown, and mandatory self isolation. This is post 1 in the the current lockdown series.
Knowing I was going to start blogging again, as has become stay-at-home-order tradition, I thought I’d revisit my posts from last lockdown. Surprisingly, my post from ‘day 0‘ last year is not heaps different to how I felt when Lockdown II (aka the response to the Modbury cluster) was announced. What I was surprised of was that we were going into lockdown so promptly. But surprise doesn’t mean I was anything other than zen.
Just as lockdown was announced, I went into a job interview. The panel and I all itched to hear news and prepare but we managed the interview like troopers. I guess I won’t hear anything about that job until post-lockdown.
After the interview, I went to Bunnings and purchased a few gardening supplies and paint. It was not madly-busy. I presume the masses were more interested in toilet paper.
Lockdown officially started at 6pm last night. My husband marked the time by saying, “Hey. We’re in lockdown.” I spent the evening alternating between listening to ABC radio, watching Beauty and the Geek, and listening to podcasts while painting our hallway atop a miniskaff.
This morning, I kicked hubby out of bed so I could set up my desk in the only room with a heater – our bedroom. And gosh was it needed. It was an icy cold day. Through the window, I watched some of the dogs look miserable as they chased weak sunrays. (Other dogs slept on the bed under the heater.)
For breakfast, I had sauce on toast, which I was craving hardcore and made me as happy as I thought it would. I hear that this is a strange delicacy, but it is part of my culture.
My husband went to make a coffee but had no more milk. I don’t know why he’s incapable of writing milk on the shopping list. I hear defects like this are common in men.
I listened to the morning Covid-19 press conference, but it wasn’t revolutionary.
At work, the computer systems were glitchy, and I had been off work for a week for a holiday that never happened due to interstate Covid outbreaks. It took a while to find my groove but I did find it.
I also discovered that the handles on the wardrobe are different heights.
My husband left for (essential) work early so he could get milk on the way. I asked him to get pumpkin soup too. If he gets enough milk, this might be the only shop we have for the lockdown. I am not optimistic.

During lunch break, I went out and planted six sad seedlings I bought from Bunnings yesterday for $3. I set a timer for 20 minutes so I wouldn’t over-stay my lunch and I smashed it like avo on toast.
After work, I took a dog for a quick walk around the paddock.
When I came back, a second press conference was happening. There had been five new cases of Covid-19 delta strain in South Australia today. It gave me confidence in those who made the decision to lock us down.
I fed the dogs. We only have one rescue dog at the moment, who is not available for adoption yet due to medical reasons. I’m super happy that our last ‘ready to adopt’ dog went out on Tuesday morning – that is, the morning lockdown was announced! They’ve sent me photos and he seems super happy too.
Then it was painting time. I managed to get a second coat including cutting in on one end of the hallway. I had wanted to do more, but it was already 8:30pm. That’s late for old people like me.
Tomorrow is more of the same. I don’t know if it’s worth you coming back to read.