There is a misconception that writing is a solitary profession. Now, of course writing can be solitary, but it does not have to be. It’s not a pre-requisite. Personally, I am in the habit of writing with others. Ever since attending…
Completed your first draft? Awesome. Edited your draft for plot, character, setting? Sweet. Looked at grammar and spelling? Nice. Now, the only thing left to do is actually think about your writing. You want to make sure that everything else is…
The first novel writing experience was NaNoWriMo 2014. I had been internally brewing on the plot for 3 years, so come November 1st, I got right to the project. Every day I would do my 1700 words, and every day I…
As part of Adelaide Writers’ Week, I attended an author talk with Yann Martel, author of Life of Pi (though this particular sitting was titled Mountains of Portugal after his most recent work). Martel describes Mountains of Portugal as three stories…
When building a plot, it helps me to start to think about the themes across the novel fairly early. In my mind, I try to identify three themes that will bridge the whole novel together. I also find that, by…
The Beat Sheet is a very popular tool for novel plotting. A quick google search will bring up a lot of resources surrounding the use of the Beat Sheet. The Beat Sheet is a resource that first appeared in…
I came across the 10-20-10 method of plotting about eighteen months ago, and have loved it. It’s not the only plotting technique, but I find it a great help in ensuring that my story has depth and interest throughout. It’s…
Readers like characters that do things. Elsa was great in Frozen, because she kept trying to save her sister. We liked Harry Potter, because he used magic to defeat Voldemort. Pi (in Life of Pi) was stuck on a boat, but that didn’t…